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Tailored Nutrition Approach

It's important to us that you achieve your goals in a way that suits you - your work life, family life and social life. There is no one size fits all approach in our practice, we delve deeper than a meal plan and really explore the reasons why, where, when and how you eat what you do. 

Our team has had training in weight management psychology and applied many mindful eating principles to my clients over the last decade to develop a deeper understanding of behaviours and eating. 


This practice can assist in dietary and lifestyle changes for chronic disease management such as diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure control, as well as weight loss for the healthy person. It can also assist when change a lifestyle of eating for prevention of health issues long term. Through engaging in a lifestyle change the entire family will benefit from modifications and will also reap the rewards of nutritious eating. 


Whilst dietary modification is a large part of weight loss and health management, so too are lifestyle and emotional triggers. At Nutrition Compass, we know that for success in your goals we need to look at the big picture, where we can guide you to being the best version of yourself. 

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